May 24, 2011 – Mexico City, Mexico – Old family photographs of Juan Luis Vanegas Bravo, 18 year old and his brother Pedro Alfonso Ignacio Vanegas Bravo, 15 year old with their father. They both have grade three obesity, a genetic condition they inherited from their father who died of morbid obesity 6 years ago. Juan Luis became obese at age 3 and reached his maximum weight of 146 kilos at age 16. In 2009 he received a bariatric surgery and was able to lose weight and adopt a healthier life style. Pedro became obese at age 7 and at one point weighed 128 kilos. In 2011 he had an intragastric balloon procedure and lost 17 kilos. He is a student and passionate about playing American football. In august 2011, he will received bariatric surgery. Obesity is a massive epidemic affecting countries around the world. Mexico has one of the highest obesity rates in the world, and public health officials are increasingly alarmed by the rapid rise in child and youth obesity. Mexico holds the first place worldwide in childhood obesity About one-third of children in Mexico are now classified as either overweight or obese. There is also a high prevalence of obesity among the poor in Mexico. Photo credit: Benedicte Desrus