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1 November 2007 - New Orleans, United States - The McDonogh 35 Roneagles Marching Band perform at an important football game in New Orleans. McDonogh No. 35 Senior High School was the first high school for African-American pupils in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Prior to 1917, during the era of segregated school systems in the Southern US, no public high school existed in New Orleans for African-American pupils. Those interested in pursuing an education beyond the eighth grade had to attend one of the city's three private secondary schools for blacks. It was in that year of 1917 that a group of spirited citizens met to petition the Orleans Parish School System to convert McDonogh 13 Boys' School from a white elementary school to a secondary educational facility for black pupils. The petition was granted and in the fall of 1917, McDonogh 35 became recognized as a four-year high school...MacDonogh No. 35 is also known for its marching band, a long cultural tradition in music rich New Orleans. The High school marching band plays at football games but also for cultural events, parades, and fierce yearly competitions between high schools. ..Like many high schools MacDonogh was destroyed by the hurricane Katrina and its students dispersed all around the country. New Orleans' high-stepping school bands fell silent. But the school was one of the first to re-open in 2006, and the band working with donated instruments started practise soon after. For many of the children playing music has been critical to their ability to return to normal life. Photo credit: Benedicte Desrus