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Joseph Kurhajec' sculptures at his studio - the “Mérida Museum of Fine Art” - in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico on January 16, 2023. Joseph Kurhajec is an American artist who was born in 1938 in Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He is currently living in Paris, France and divides his time between Paris, New York and Mérida. Numerous key galleries and museums such as the Allan Stone Gallery in New York, the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Art 6 '75 in Basel, Switzerland, the Grand Palais in Paris, France and the Czech Museum of FineArt in Prague, Czech Republic have featured Joseph Kurhajec's work in the past. Kurhajec’s work is collected and exhibited worldwide, in private and public collections. Photograph by Bénédicte Desrus