August 14, 2011 - Ukunda, Kenya - Naomi attend free sessions at the Ceragem Ukunda Centre in Kenya. Naomi Kavindu Magutu is a 60 year old Kenyan woman with morbid obesity. She weighs 130 kilos. She was a teacher in the primary school, but she has retired since 5 years. She started gaining weight about 25 years ago and has continued gaining weight until she was 55 year old when she was unable to walk properly. She went to a hospital where she was given pain killers, but it did not help her so she started attending Ceragem sessions. Ceragem is a thermal massage therapy that is supposed to cure all ills. She then moved to be closer to the Ceragem clinic to attent daily sessions. She says since she started the Ceragem therapy she feels light, she is able to control her diet and can walk again. She thinks her obesity was inheritated from her parents. Obesity is no longer a problem confined to wealthy nations. In Africa, an increasing number of people can be categorised as obese. In some African cultures, being fat is a symbol of good life, prestige and wealth. Photo credit: Benedicte Desrus